

To make use of this API you need to have an API key, Client ID and Client Secret.

With those credentials you can request a token which you will need to access this api's resources.

Generating your API credentials

Login into the Partner portal, go to the settings page and open the API tab.

Click on the "Manage your api credentials"-button to create and manage your API credentials.

After creation, you will receive your Client ID and Client Secret in your e-mail inbox. The required API key is displayed in the credential-management screen.

Retrieving a token

To retrieve a token you need to make a POST request to the amazon cognito oauth2 service.


The content type of the request must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. containing the following properties.

client_id:"your id"
client_secret:"your secret"

Response body

  "access_token": "eyJraWQ.........",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

In the response body you will find your access token.

Using your token

To make use of your access token you need to add the following headers to your requests.

Authorization: Bearer <your access token>
x-api-key: <your api key>

Example code

We have created a small example application in Java (JRE/JDK 11) to demonstrate how to authenticate with our Partner API. You can download it here. Please extract the archive and check the for more information.